Achieve the Quadruple Aim of effective care
In today’s practice, patients see a medical provider first regardless of the high prevalence of non-medical conditions. The Behavioral Health Stethoscope report unveils biopsychsocial-cultural pre-existing conditions. With this data, the care team can be sure the patient sees the necessary providers in one visit — saving time and money, while delivering the appropriate level of care.
PSYCHeANALYTICS can help your clinic
Support warm handoffs
Used during the morning huddle or chart scrubbing, The Behavioral Health Stethoscope ensures opportunities to connect with Behavioral Health Clinicians are not missed.

Reduce unconscious bias
Impartially present the patient’s self-report data and reduce unnecessary and potentially harmful tests and procedures.

Gather patient risk data
Gather structured data for patient population risk factors for over 20 conditions that compromise and complicate a patient’s medical care and provide essential data for population management.

Patients’ behaviors and social conditions determine 80% to 90% of health outcomes.
Without a detailed psychological baseline, it can be nearly impossible to provide efficient whole person care.
Source: https://nam.edu/social-determinants-of-health-101-for-health-care-five-plus-five/